

  • Easy and fast to install
  • Minimised work and cutting on cabinet
  • Reduced after-sales costs
  • The integrated evaporator allows more available space in the cabinet
  • Base plate and hole measures for ventilation, standard for all models
  • Automatic evaporating system
  • Three NTC probes included

Les monoblocs MTA2.0 MTA2.0 700 et 1400 sont plug-in systèmes de refroidissement pour montage au plafond sur les armoires réfrigérées.

Leur facilité d'installation, les normes de fabrication et de qualité d'assurer aux clients, un produit innovant technologiquement avancé, en raison de la réduction des coûts et gain de temps.


- Application range HBP (+2°C; +8°C) MBP (- 5°C; +5°C) LBP (-18°C; -25°C)
- Natural, electrical or hot gas defrost
- High efficiency hermetic compressor
- PP base plate
- PUE insulated evaporator case with high insulation
- Water tray equipped with forced evaporation coil made of anticorrosion stainless steel
- Capillary expansion
- Working up to +40°C external temperature
Wiring standard for all models


- Easy and fast to install
- Minimised work and cutting on cabinet
- Reduced after-sales costs
- The integrated evaporator allows more available space in the cabinet
- Base plate and hole measures for ventilation, standard for all models
- Automatic evaporating systemR290
- Three NTC probes included


- Special voltages
- Wiring kit for the connection to the cabinet’s thermostat
- EC motor fan
Evaporator air convoyer
- Hot gas defrost available for all the models



Mta2.0 Dim


Mta2.0 Install



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